Commitment - When you become a shipping member you are agreeing to buy and receive one full shipment at your choice of destination. You can cancel anytime after you pay for and receive your first 6 bottle shipment.
Variations - With prior notification, members can choose to pick up their wines at the tasting room to save shipping costs. This variation of the club can be arranged if you notify us before we process your wine shipment.
Membership Holds - Are you experiencing a change in finances or health? You can put your membership on hold for up to 2 shipping releases. This means you will not receive or be charged for the wines released in that time frame.
Shipping Details - Williamson's reserves the right to delay wine shipments due to weather; as temperatures over 80° or under 40° (at either the departure or arrival location) can cause wines to spoil. Please note that we can only ship to states where we have a direct-to-consumer wine shipping permit. Upon arrival, wine must be signed for by an individual 21 years of age or older during regular business hours.
Liability - By becoming a member, I certify that I am 21 years of age and I give permission to Williamson Orchards & Vineyards to charge my credit/debit card for each shipment at the time of release.